How To Be Mindful About Your Screen Time

Whether you’re on your cellphone, tablet, or laptop, screens are a part of our daily lives. But too much screen time can cause our sleep and focus levels to take a dive. Board-certified neurologist David Perlmutter, M.D., and internal medicine physician Austin Perlmutter, M.D., have provided a couple of great tips that can help keep us in check while on our screens. The acronym called the test of T-I-M-E (time, intentional, mindfulness, experience) was coined by these two experts, and here’s what it stands for.


Ask yourself just how much time you need to do the task at hand. Are the sites and applications you’re using really necessary? If not, consider closing certain tabs or refrain from visiting sites that aren't relevant. It’s important to stick to the goal and minimize distractions.


Evaluate whether or not your time online is intentional. Having our devices constantly next to us often leads to unnecessary screen time. While you’re using certain devices, ask yourself whether or not you are achieving something. Chances are you might be using your device to escape discomfort or boredom.


Are you focused on the task at hand, and being mindful? It’s easy to get swept up by distractions such as advertisements, emails, or videos. Try to keep the time centered around a particular goal. This will make you less susceptible to impulsive web surfing.


Gauging whether or not the experience with that particular device or application is positive, enriching, or negative can actually help determine our screen habits. If it’s positive, it may motivate you to do it again, if it felt unnecessary, you might be less inclined to repeat that habit.