Rainbow Clouds in Space? It’s Really a Thing!

When we hear about space, it’s easy to get totally lost in the madness of it all. Space is a crazy place, with all manner of things taking place there that we would do well to ever be able to get our heads around.

One such example is the existence of what is known as ‘rainbow clouds’. These clouds have become a major part of the recent talk around space, not least because they are so bloody beautiful.

Many people, though, were unsure of what these things even were. If you are still confused about what a rainbow cloud actually is, then you’ll be happy to know its creation is utterly epic. 

According to the scientific minds behind such discoveries, this is the result of a ‘cosmic battle’ that takes place in the stars.

Indeed, the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) has finally been able to work out what this epically strange cloud actually was. They think that it was the emerging result of two stars fighting it out, according to the European Southern Observatory.

The main star was able to grow large enough to try and eat up the smaller partner. The smaller star, then, rushed toward the core of the major plant – although not colliding with it. 

What happened instead was an outburst event, meaning that its gas layers were thrown away and the core was left exposed.

The ESO state in a Statement: “This stunning image of the circumstellar environment of HD101584 would not have been possible without the exquisite sensitivity and angular resolution provided by ALMA,"

That’s a very exciting and interesting discovery and further proof of just how little we know about the universe we inhabit. If you are someone who is enthused about this kind of thing, then we recommend looking into the Astronomy and Astrophysics journal.

We expect future updates about what all of this actually means to be posted in that particular journal in the future.